One more successful project, proven over time. CoinLoan is the one of the rare successful players on crypto market today.

This is the first P2P lending platform for crypto assets backed loans, that provides borrowers with the most favorable conditions, and lenders – with the full repayment of their funds and the absence of risks, where any user can act as a lender or a borrower.

– Executive interviews to define – expectations, tasks, and requirements; business objectives and KPIs
– Session requisition with users to determine – product requirements and features; user roles
– Market & competitive analysis to assess – usability of competitive and alternative solutions; needs of the TA and other potential users

The research has shown that it was crucial for the success of the project to translate the following user benefits.
– Customizable loan terms
– Guaranteed, timely loan repayments
– Transparent risk assessment
– High platform security and product usability

– Created UI design for the user ID verification
– Developed a quick and easy user flow for funds withdrawal via transfer
– Worked out an application creation process that requires only a few clicks
– Ensured a clear loan terms selection through relevant search filters
– Designed a clear process of loan terms setup and selection through relevant search filters
– Established easily recognizable possibility to make an early loan repayment

– An informative, useful and appealing website
– Convenient, easy-to-understand, secure platform
– Painless yet gainful experience
– More than 7 000 active users

Designed in collaboration with Artkai. More about CoinLoan platform, visit the website


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